Tag: Jesus

  • A New Book Release!

    Cover image of The Salvation of the LORD featuring a photo of deep space with the book's title and author name superimposed

    At long last, the revised and expanded second edition of my book, The Salvation of the LORD, has been released! It goes on sale on Tuesday, April 23, 2024! It is already available for purchase from Amazon, Goodreads, and Abebooks, but it is just a matter of time before all the others catch up and begin carrying it, too. In order to find it on your favorite online bookseller’s site, just search on the book’s ISBN: 978-0-9888528-8-4 (try it with and without the hyphens).

    I’m still working on the eBook conversion, but it should be available soon. I haven’t assigned an ISBN to the eBook editions, so you will need to search on the author and title to find it, and be sure to include “second edition” in the search to distinguish it from the first edition. Of course, once it’s available, I’ll provide the direct links to the sales pages here in my blog store and in the Parson Place Press Bookstore, as well as on my personal author website.

    So, what makes the second edition distinct from the first? Besides correcting a couple of mistakes and revising some less-clear wording here and there, I also wrote an entirely new chapter on the doctrine of apostasy to explain what it is, how it can happen, and how to avoid it or counter it once it appears. The book was truly incomplete without this important chapter.

    Please share this blog post with your family and friends or send them the links to both the print and eBook versions to purchase on their own. Also, once you’ve read my book, please, please, PLEASE write a review for it on at least two online bookstore sites, especially on Amazon. This will help immensely with getting the word out and with boosting sales. As an incentive for writing your review, send me the link to it once you’ve posted it and I’ll send you a special promo code to download the eBook edition of The Salvation of the LORD for free once it is available. If you’re interested, you may also browse and follow me on my Amazon Author page, too.

    That’s all for now. I look forward reading your reviews and other comments soon!

  • Jesus Is Coming Soon

    Jesus at the Rapture
    Jesus at the Rapture

    I’ve been proclaiming that Jesus is coming soon for most of my life. However, I’m convinced that it is now upon us and I’m actually starting to get quite giddy about it! After listening to other respected evangelists preach and teach about the fulfillment of end times prophecies over the years, I’ve gained a great deal of insight both from their instruction and from my own research about these two events we call the Rapture of the Church (which I personally believe will happen just before the start of the Seven-Year Tribulation) and the Return, or Second Coming, of Christ (which happens at the very end of the Seven-Year Tribulation). Naturally, since world news is pointing more directly every day toward events that are prophesied to occur during the Tribulation, I’m looking for the Rapture of the Church to happen very, very soon.

    One of the insights I’ve learned over the years that helps me understand this more clearly is that the seven feasts which God instituted for Israel to observe each year actually have prophetic significance as well as historic significance. When we look at each of these feasts from a broad perspective we see that they are laid out in the order of the annual seasons. You can read each of God’s commandments concerning them in Leviticus 23.

    First, Pesach (or Passover) happens in the spring and is to be the beginning of the year for Israel (see Exodus 12:2), although somewhere along the way they changed their New Year to Yom T’ruim or the Day of Trumpets, better known today as Rosh Hashanah, which literally means Head of the Year. I’ll say more about that one when I get to it.

    The second feast actually follows the day after Pesach, and it’s called Yom Matzoh or Day of Unleavened Bread. This feast lasts for seven days, and somewhere during that week is a regular weekly Sabbath (or Shabbat). The first day after the Sabbath following the Day of Unleavened Bread is observed as Yom Reshyth or Day of First-fruits. Thus, all three of these feast days occur within the space of one week. Then there is a period of 50 days, counting from the Day of First-fruits, which includes seven Sabbaths or weeks. The fiftieth day is called Yom Shavuot or Day of Weeks, better known to us as Pentecost (which is derived from the Greek word for 50 days).

    It is interesting to note here that Jesus fulfilled each of these first four holy days at His first coming. He was crucified on the Day of Passover; He was entombed during the Day of Unleavened Bread; He resurrected on the Day of First-fruits; and finally, just ten days after His ascension back into Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost to launch the Church Age. The long gap between the Feast of Shavuot (or Pentecost) and the Day of Trumpets signifies the longer-than-expected duration of the Church Age to allow time for the Good News of Christ’s Salvation to be spread all around the globe.

    Since Jesus fulfilled each of these first four feast days to the very day during His first coming, can we expect Him to do the same with the remaining three feast days at His second coming? I think we can. So, which is the next feast day in line for fulfillment? It is the Day of Trumpets. And which event will Jesus use to fulfill this feast day? It is the Rapture of the Church. What is the evidence for that? Well, it is the sounding of the trumpets, of course, and as the Apostle Paul stated so clearly in 1 Corinthians 15:52, it is “at the last trumpet” that “the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” He writes similarly in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up [raptured] together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

    Note here in both of these passages that Paul uses the pronoun “we”. He clearly expected this event to happen during his lifetime. For all of the revelation God had given Paul about this event, He kept hidden from him the fact that it was not going to happen for quite some time. However, we are nearing the time when the Rapture is about to take place.

    Of all the feasts of Israel, the Feast of Trumpets appears to be the least understood. It seems to have no major significance to them, because it does not appear to commemorate any historic event as the others do. Passover commemorates when God spared them while He punished Egypt by killing the firstborn of every household and even of the livestock. Unleavened Bread commemorates their departure from Egyptian bondage. First-fruits commemorates the sacrifice God commanded them to give from their first harvest in the Promised Land and from every harvest thereafter. Shavuot commemorates their receiving of the Law of Moses on Mt. Sinai. Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, commemorates God’s annual examination of His people to determine their worthiness for blessing or judgment, and the Day of Tabernacles commemorates Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness and their living in tents (temporary dwellings) for 40 years prior to their entry into the Promised Land.

    Since the Feast of Trumpets represents Christ’s Rapture of His Church, the Day of Atonement represents the Seven-Year Tribulation when God will once again turn His attention to delivering His chosen people — the nation of Israel — from their sins and the Feast of Tabernacles represents Jesus’ millennial reign on earth prior to the Final Great White Throne Judgment and the commencement of our eternal life with Him in the New Heaven and New Earth.

    See now how Jesus will fulfill these final three feast days with His second coming. When the time to close the Church Age has come, Jesus will call up His Church in the event known as The Rapture. The word “church” comes from the Greek word “ecclesia” (pronounced ek-lay-SEE-ah) which means “called-out ones”. These are called out from the world to be His own people. Nevertheless, His people called Israel who have not acknowledged and accepted Him as their Messiah, along with all the wicked and those who pretended to accept Jesus without actually living for Him, will be left on the earth for judgment and revelation. Only those who finally accept God’s revelation will receive deliverance. This will take place during the Seven-Year Tribulation.

    One of the strongest arguments against anyone trying to determine the time of Jesus’ return to Rapture His Church has always been Jesus’ words, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32 NKJV). This hasn’t stopped some, like Harold Camping and others, from setting dates nonetheless, but others have so eschewed the idea of trying to ascertain the time of Jesus’ return that they quote this Scripture as their proof text that we are not even to consider it. Since Jesus Himself commanded us to watch, how are we supposed to watch without seeming to set a date for His return? Consider this analogy: If you’re watching for the cab which you personally called, is it bad if you mistake a blowing horn or the flash of yellow of another passing car as the cab you are watching and waiting for? Of course, not! That’s just part of the process of watching and waiting. The same is true with our earnest and hopeful watching for Jesus’ return.

    The reason Jesus said no one would know the day or hour of His return is because of a couple of facts. First, because it is a secret which God has kept to Himself, no one can know it for sure. The very word “know” means to have absolute and certain information about someone or something. Since God hasn’t revealed the date of Jesus’ return, we can hazard a lot of guesses, but we can’t know any of them to be true.

    Secondly, we can’t know the day or hour of the Rapture because of the nature of time and the position of the earth in relation to the sun. At any given time throughout every 24 hour day, half of the globe is in light and half is in darkness. This is what Jesus was referring to when He said, “I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left” (Luke 17:34-36 NKJV). Let me ask you: What women grind at the mill at night, and what men work in the field at night? Why did Jesus say “in that night” instead of “in that day”? Due to the global undertaking of the Rapture, half the earth will be asleep and half will be awake. Furthermore, at some point during every 24 hours half the earth will be on one day of the week while the other half will be on the next day of the week. It is because of these two facts — that God, first and foremost, has kept the date secret and, second, that half the earth will be in the night and half in the day — that no one can know the day nor the hour of Jesus’ return.

    This, however, does not mean we cannot speculate about the approximate day of Jesus’ return. Since the Rapture is signified among the divine feast days as the Day of Trumpets and since Jesus fulfilled the first four feasts to the very day during His first coming, I think we can expect Him to fulfill the final three to the very day at His second coming. While we can’t know which Day of Trumpets He will choose to rapture His Church, we can expect that He will do so on one of them in the future; and while we can’t know the hour of the Rapture (because various segments of the earth’s population will be at a different hour of the 24 hour day) we can believe that it will be sometime during that day. In fact, because the Day of Trumpets is the only one of the seven feast days that begins on a New Moon (or the first day of the lunar month), and because the official declaration of the beginning of that day must be corroborated by two witnesses (priests) when they see the first sliver of the New Moon, there is a period of two days in which no one knows the day or hour they will actually see the New Moon. It is entirely possible that the Lord could rapture His Church at the precise point when the day side of the earth is at the end of the Day of Trumpets and the night side of the earth is just beginning the Day of Trumpets. While God can do this any way He chooses, it seems most reasonable to be me that He would do it this way.

    For those who may wish to accuse me of setting a date for Jesus’ return, please tell me which date I have set here. The nearest I have come to setting a date is to say that Jesus will Rapture His Church on a future Day of Trumpets, but the date is yet unknown. Will He choose the year 2015, since it is the conclusion of another seventh Shemitah (or year of rest for the earth) and the commencement of another Jubilee, which occurs once every 50 years? Your guess is as good as mine, but it certainly seems to me that either 2015 or 2016 would be an excellent time to do so, especially since 2017 will be the next time the celestial alignment of the stars will match the description in Revelation 12:1. You can also watch a nine minute video depicting some very interesting points for consideration. Of course, the author of this content was thinking of a possible 2013 Rapture.

    You see — no one (and that certainly includes me) can know the day or the hour of Jesus’ Rapture of His Church. However, if you happen to be among those left behind after the Rapture, you can calculate the precise day of Jesus’ return to the earth to set up His Kingdom and begin His millennial reign on the present earth, because it will be exactly seven years to the day from the day “the prince who is to come” (Daniel 9:26, better known to us as the Antichrist) enacts the seven-year peace treaty with the world (see Daniel 9:27 where the phrase “one week” refers to a week of years or seven years). Since we can calculate to the day when Jesus will actually return to earth to establish His Kingdom, Jesus must have been referring to the mystery of the Rapture when He said no one would know the precise day or hour when He would come for His Church.

    Even though we can’t know the precise time of the Rapture, we can know it is near. As I said at the start of this article: Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready? Ready or not, here He comes!

  • The Age of Deception

    I was responding to a blog post by Rev. K. H. Marple on her Keep Life Legal blog a little earlier about the propensity for lying that we see in contemporary politics and society in general, and I felt my comment was worth turning into a quick blog post of my own. You can read her blog at the following link: http://keeplifelegal.com/2012/10/30/furthering-the-moral-bankruptcy-of-the-united-states/ The next paragraph is what I posted on her recent blog post, though I did edit the final sentence of that post a little bit, but the succeeding paragraphs are a few extra thoughts I’ve decided to add.
    The first point Jesus made in His Olivet Discourse with His disciples about the Last Days is: “Take heed that no one deceives you.” (Matthew 24:1 NKJV). We live in the Age of Deception. Soon, during the Tribulation Period, all who have rejected God’s truth will be completely given over to deception so that they will “believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 NKVJ). THE lie implies the lie of all lies, and what might that lie be? I believe it is the lie that there is any other god besides the One True God.
    The apparent increase in wickedness we’ve seen in recent years, such as murders, thefts, and sexual promiscuity of all sorts and including the proclivity for lying about anything and everything, is just one more sign that we are drawing very near to the final days of this age. Some have called the age from the time of Jesus’ ascension until the Tribulation “The Age of Grace”, but I would argue that implies that God did not show grace prior to Jesus’ first coming or that He won’t continue to show some measure of grace during the Tribulation Period even. Moreover, God will continue to save whoever calls upon Him by His wonderful matchless grace even during the Tribulation Period after the so-called Age of Grace has supposedly ended (see Revelation 6:9-11 for proof that there will be some saved during the Tribulation). I accept the description of this era being called “The Church Age”, however, because it is certainly the era in which the Church has been commissioned by Jesus to reach the world, but God has ALWAYS been a God of grace, and there are numerous examples in the OT of God showing grace, just as there are numerous examples of God showing judgment during the NT era.
    So, what is the greatest deception that we face in this Age of Deception? Anything which contradicts the revealed and written Word of God (The Holy Bible) is a lie and an attempt at deception. The problem is that most people, including the vast majority of professing Christians (and many times that includes a disturbing number of clergy), have no idea what the Word of God says because they never read or consult it for guidance or direction. I will submit to you that the only way you will survive this Age of Deception without being deceived, EVEN if you are a professing Christian, is if you know and understand what God’s Word has commanded and is demanding of us all. If you don’t make time to read and peruse God’s Word (the Bible) for instruction, guidance, and revelation, you will be lost in more ways than one. Therefore, I heartily urge you to make reading and meditation upon God’s Word a part of your daily routine. Turn off your TV, radio, computer, and cell phone and get away from other people long enough to read and ponder the meaning of at least one chapter from the Bible per day. Spend some time in prayer and meditation on God’s Word as well. I discuss these matters in great detail (reading, meditation upon God’s Word and prayer) in my recent book Seven Keys to Effective Prayer, which you can get in both print and eBook format from any of the major book retailers.
    Don’t be deceived in this Age of Deception! Listen to God and follow His Word, and you won’t be deceived.