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Month: February 2012
What’s Really Behind the Contraceptive Debate?
I have a number of thought-provoking questions to pose for you, and I’d like for you to consider each one carefully before you answer. After I’ve posed my questions, I’ll give you my thoughts and perspective. You are certainly free to disagree, of course, but I hope you’ll at least keep an open mind long enough to consider what I’m about to say.
Why do governments (such as the Obama administration of the U. S. Government and the communist government of China) care so much about private citizens’ use of contraceptives and abortion, also known as birth control? What’s really behind the contraceptive, abortion, and sterilization debate, and what’s really behind both governmental and nongovernmental agencies’ support and outright sponorship of these procedures? Why are they so insistent that these services be paid for either by public taxes or by private insurance companies? Is it truly about women’s health or preventing unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases or insuring a woman maintains personal control of her own body? Is abortion on demand actually about a woman’s “right to choose” what to do with her own body? Don’t women have basic control over their own bodies when they engage in sexual activity? Now, I’m not talking about when a woman may have been forcibly raped, but when she willingly engaged in sexual behavior that resulted either in a sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy or both.
I know these questions require a lot of careful thought, and you can take as long as you like to consider and answer them before you proceed with reading what I have to say about them. Let me also hasten to add that I do not intend any of my remarks to be judgmental of anyone’s behavior, since we are all sinners in need of God’s saving grace. That being said, here’s what I think is beneath the governmental leaders’ desire to mandate/control what private citizens do with their sexuality.
Notice that none of these leaders even suggest limiting one’s sexual conduct. Those organizations which want to promote abstinence until marriage and fidelity in marriage are spurned as out-of-touch with society, prudish, and ignorant of how the world really works. No, these leaders and their supporters don’t want to reduce sexual interaction within their populations, they instead want to prevent any further growth of their populations. Why do you suppose that is? I mean — wouldn’t more births result in more laborers for the work force and thus more tax-paying citizens for them to use and tax for their own governmental purposes? It just doesn’t seem to add up.
So, what do you think is behind these vehement concerns to provide both contraceptives and abortion on demand (both methods of birth control), when it is apparently not in their own governmental best interest? Well, here’s the surface answer, but I’ll give the true underlying root cause momentarily.
The thinking behind this flawed reasoning is the fearful, misguided desire to control, and thereby limit, the growth of the global population. They are actually afraid that the population of the earth is going to out-grow the earth’s ability to sustain the total number of people living on the planet. There is no scientific evidence of this threat, but that doesn’t stop the birth controllers from spouting their claims and, in some cases, contriving and/or falsifying evidence to support those bogus claims. They’ve been warning of this supposed threat for decades now, if not longer.
On the other hand, while some are genuinely afraid of overpopulation of the globe, others simply want to eradicate certain ethnic groups which they hate, and they do so in the name of birth control. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, who is actually credited with coining the term “birth control,” initiated this movement, possibly because of her mother’s 18 pregnancies in 22 years and early death at age 50, along with Margaret’s own racist views, spurring her to fight for the legalization of both contraceptives and abortion.1 Now, a mere 45 years after Sanger’s death in 1966, with both contraceptive options and abortion more available than they have ever been, the debate rages on.
Now, we come to the question of what truly is the root cause of all this anti-life culture. Brace yourself, because, unless you’re a sincere, Bible-believing Christian, you’re likely to dismiss what I’m about to say. Are you ready? The root cause of this culture of death is Satan. Do you think that answer is too simplistic? Well, let’s consider the biblical evidence.
What was the first commandment God gave to the first man and woman jointly? Give up? It’s found in Genesis 1:28: “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (Genesis 1:28 NKJV). 2 God’s command to them (and to us by extension) was (and remains) to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth [with God-fearing believers] and subdue it [presumably from Satan and his minions]….
“This was a “shot across the bow” of Satan’s kingdom that God was about to reclaim the earth for Himself. Therefore, Satan went on the offensive, perhaps intending to preempt God’s stated plan, and he deceived both the woman and the man with the first lie they had ever heard and tricked them into violating the only prohibitive commandment God had given them, that they were not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Once sin entered mankind through Adam and Eve, God set to work implementing the plan He had formulated before He created the first grain of sand, since, because God is omniscient, He foreknew the fall of mankind. God Himself gave the first Messianic prophecy when He alerted Satan to his ultimate demise. He said, “… I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel (Genesis 3:15 NKJV). 3 Jesus Christ fulfilled this prophecy when He died on the Roman cross for the sins of the whole world.
Although Satan’s doom is sealed, He continues his hatred against humanity. If he can’t prevent human population growth through contraception, he’ll seek to destroy the unborn child in the womb through abortion. If that fails, he’ll provoke evil people consumed with pornagraphic lust for children to kidnap, molest, mutilate, and kill them. If they happen to survive this attack, he’ll lure them into drugs, alcohol and risky sexual activities. If they happen to survive these attacks, he’ll tempt them into adulterous affairs and distract them with the myriad of other worldly pursuits, such as sports, career progression, etc. Once in the grip of these activities, he’ll fill their hearts with empty promises of happiness and burden their souls with guilt over their sins and tempt them to commit suicide to escape the lonely futility of it all. It’s a dark plan, but as the Apostle Paul wrote, “… we are not ignorant of his [Satan’s] devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11 NKJV). 4
Now that you know what’s really behind the contraceptive and abortion on demand debate, you can call it what it is: a satanic plot. Ask any woman who has had an abortion and whose conscience has not yet been seared if she would choose to have an abortion again, and she will tell you “No, it was the worst decision I ever made in my life, even worse that getting pregnant in the first place!” The effects of abortion on women’s health, both mental and physical, is the silent destroyer that no one will tell you about, especially those who promote this culture of death. This, too, is part of Satan’s plot to destroy, for he is the destroyer, and Jesus said that Satan comes to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). 5 If he can’t kill you in the womb or as a child or as a teen or young adult, he’ll provoke you to suicide over the terrible deed of abortion or some other sin.
Let me say to you if you are a woman who has had an abortion, or if you are a man who has advised or pushed a woman to have an abortion, God still loves you and wants to forgive you, and He actually wants to reunite you with your aborted child in His everlasting Kingdom. Satan may have won the first round with you, but don’t let him win the next round. Humble yourself, turn to Jesus Christ and ask His forgiveness. Commit yourself to living according to His holy standard as recorded in His holy Word, the Bible, not in order for Him to save you, but as an act of gratitude that He has already saved you when you confessed and repented (turned away from) your sin and put your confidence in His righteousness to be applied to you for salvation. Yes, believing and accepting this truth really is just that simple for your eternal salvation.
Now that you understand Satan’s sinister plot, will you help me spread the word about it? Will you share the link to this blog post with everyone you know?
Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone, Who said, “‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’” (John 14:6 NKJV). 6 If you want to know the way to everlasting life with never-ending joy and peace, Jesus is the Way. Amen!